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Restocking - 4th Red Strong Pull New sets of flamenco guitar strings...
Restocking - 4th Red Normal Drawing New flamenco guitar string sets specially...
Restocked by 10 pieces - 4th Silver Metal Spun Flamencita for classical...
The notation RE ° D ° 4 refers to the highest pitched flamenco guitar string (the high E string) in the Spanish notation for flamenco guitar strings. This notation uses the letters "E", "A", "D", "G", "B" and "E" to designate each string of the guitar, with degrees of pitch added to indicate the position of each note in the scale.
To be sure you are buying the right string, it is important to check the notation of the string before you buy it. You can find flamenco guitar strings in many music stores or online. It is recommended to choose quality strings to get the best sound from your flamenco guitar.