100W guitar amp, 1x 12" speaker, output level attenuator, 2 channels, 3-band EQ, Reverb, Boost, DI output, black finish
At NAMM 1995, thousands of guitarists, media and dealers gathered in a small demonstration room within the Peavey booth. Peavey engineers performed a blind A/B comparison between their new invention (a Bandit solid-state guitar amp) and a tube amp. After listening carefully and studying the sounds of each, no one could tell the difference between the two. Some of the specialists present that day thought that the TransTube Bandit solid-state amp was the real tube amp.
Bandit 112 100W guitar amp, 1x 12" Blue Marvel speaker, TransTube technology that simulates the sound of a tube amp, output level attenuator, 2 Clean/ Lead channels, 3-band EQ, Reverb, Boost, DI output, jack output for connection to external speaker, weight : 18.55 kg, dimensions: 53.02 x 59.06 x 28.58 cm.